Friday, December 25, 2009


Main Entry: love·sick
Pronunciation: \ˈləv-ˌsik\
Function: adjective
Date: 15th century
1 : languishing with love : yearning
2 : expressing a lover's longing

So deeply affected by love as to be unable to act normally. You awake every morning, thinking of your love, dreaming of them all night, the pain of separation searing your heart every time a site or smell brings back the memory of your last encounter. Daydreaming, drawing hearts in the sand, constantly thinking "I wish they were here so I could share this moment" even when pulling weeds or walking the dog. The consuming fire within the heart for even one more moment with ones love that defies rational thought, knowing full well, one moment would never be enough, yearning for eternity together.

Thanks to Urban Dictionary and Merriam Webster. Now,I know where this headache is coming from.

The Grinch is soo with me.

Where is Chicken?

TO: Chicken

Roses are red. Violets are blue. And all i want for Christmas is you. =(

FROM: Monkey

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