Tuesday, May 25, 2010


*The following is a letter/comment from a dear friend who reads my blog for Marco. I just gotta share it with y'all*

Miggy, I find people like you a blessing.
I'm thankful we've met.
I hold you dear in my heart.


1 Comment

Blogger Miggy's Biz said...

I never thought that I'll be starting this day reading your post about the effect my call had on you. I feel good reading it. Okay-more than good. It's just that when I have read your blog for Marco I was like transported to a different plane. I saw hearts floating around me. But then I noticed that your last post was dated March and it is now May!!!

Your blog for Marco has affected those who have read it not because you profusely and most of the time dramatically conveys it in cyberspace, but because we or at least I feel the love dripping/oozing in all the posts you made. It's overflowing, continuous, creative, true, vulnerable and very heartfelt. I envy Marco! =)

I guess I also have to thank Marco. This wouldn't have happened if not for him.

So please do not stop blogging.

You said you blog for Marco's smiles.

I follow your blog because it makes me really really smile (As in cheesy and corny smile!)

So please tell Marco not to stop smiling. =)

With much LOVE for the Ate I never had,


May 23, 2010 5:16 PM

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